Tips To Make Your Jewelry Shine Like New!

We all (especially women) love jewelry. Either we put on the rings every day, or they are the bracelets we love, almost every one of us can find something made in gold or silver according to our preferences. As you well know, over time, your jewelry turns brown and doesn’t shine like it once did. We have prepared a few tips for you and your jewels. If you clean your favorite jewelry this way, it’ll be just like new!

To clean your jewelry, you’ll need:

- 1 tablespoon of salt;

- 1 tablespoon of baking soda;

- 1 tablespoon dish soap;

- 1 glass of water;

- 1 piece of aluminum foil.

Steps to clean your jewelry:

1.Warm up the water in your microwave for 1–2 minutes.
2.Put a piece of aluminum foil at the bottom of your bowl or cup.
3.Pour the hot water into the bowl or cup you have prepared.
4.Add all the ingredients to water (salt, baking soda, dishsoap).
5.Put your jewelry in the water and let it sit for 5–10 minutes.

6In 5–10 minutes, rinse your jewelry in warm water and wipe with a towel.
And there you have it! Your jewelry is now like the new!
Tips To Make Your Jewelry Shine Like New! Tips To Make Your Jewelry Shine Like New! Reviewed by Unknown on September 05, 2017 Rating: 5

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